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Welcome to the Carmel of St Joseph

Please have a look around our website to explore, learn, and understand our life of great faith and devotion.

Here you can find a wealth of information to learn about our faith, history, daily life, and how to contact us; if you have questions, would like to offer a donation, to request special prayers or for any other reason.  

Daily Mass Schedule



We are pleased to announce the reopening of our Chapel.

You are most welcome to participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered in thanksgiving,

on Monday, March 20, 2023.  Solemnity of St. Joseph at 3:00 p.m.

The main Celebrant will be Most Rev. Wayne Lobsinger, VG, EV

Light refreshments will be served after Mass in the Reception Hall downstairs



Scapulars now available!
Made by the Nuns
View details



NEW Book: Light for the Journey
Printed by the Carmelites of the Saint Teresa Association
More information