Friends & Supporters

A group of generous benefactors have become the lifelong friends and supporters of the Carmelites since their arrival in Kitchener in 1952, The Committee for the Carmelite Nuns and The Carmel of St. Joseph Guild.

The “Men’s Committee”, as it was then called, was organized by Mr. John Wintermeyer, Mr. Edgar Bauer, Mr. John Motz, Mr. Henry Krug and Mr. Joseph Zuber Senior. That same year, 1952, Mrs. Mabel Krug became president of the new Carmel Guild.

Through the prudent advice and fund raising initiatives of these individuals, and those who have joined the enterprise since that time: most noteworthy Mr. Frank Voisin, Mr. Gerry Moser, Mr. Jack Ball, and Mr. Chuck Corrigan the Nuns found an unfailing source of support to ease any anxieties over financial concerns. Though the Carmelites are known to be hard workers and do their best to supply for their simple needs, life can bring unexpected expenses or unforeseen challenges. Primarily, our trust is in God who will sustain us if we are faithful to our vocation of prayer and immolation for His Church. Nevertheless, He helps us through His faithful servants and prepares Himself a reward for them in His Eternal Kingdom.